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Interesting in becoming a GenQA Expert Advisor?

We are always keen to hear from individuals with a genomics background who would like to join us as a scientific or clinical expert advisor.   If you're interested in working with GenQA and would like to join our team of 195 expert advisors please contact us providing a copy of your CV.

Scientific expert advisors


Are you interested in:

Finding out more about external quality assessment?

Working with like-minded scientists worldwide?

Supporting GenQA to shape the future of our EQAs?

Reviewing your laboratory’s report format against other anonymised laboratory reports?

Gaining evidence for you continued professional development?


To apply, you will require:

Several years’ experience of providing diagnostic testing and authorising clinical laboratory results/reports in the relevant EQA.


The role may include:

Sourcing/advising on suitable samples/images for EQA.

Validating the test results for an EQA.

Advise on content of clinical case scenarios.

Advising on marking criteria.

Assessing anonymised EQA reports/results submitted by participants.

Advising on participant appeals.

Contributing to EQA Summary reports.

Attending the relevant Special Advisory Group (SAG) meetings.

Clinical Genetics and Genetic counsellor expert advisors


Are you interested in:

Finding out more about external quality assessment?

Working with like-minded clinicians worldwide?

Supporting GenQA to shape the future of our EQAs?

Reviewing your clinical service against anonymised submissions from a broad range of countries?

Gaining evidence for your continued professional development?


To apply, you will require:

Several years’ experience of working in medical genetics and being involved with diagnostic genomic testing.  Laboratory experience is not essential. 


The role may include:

Advise on content of clinical case scenarios including test results and suitable images for EQA.

Validating the EQA case scenario on the website.

Advising on marking criteria.

Assessing anonymised EQA reports/results submitted by participants.

Advising on participant appeals.

Contributing to EQA Summary reports.

Attending the relevant Special Advisory Group (SAG) meetings.

Feedback provided by other GenQA Expert Advisors: 


"It is really valuable to see lots of reports from a wide variety of laboratories, and to pick up ideas for Best Practice in our laboratory."

"Interesting to see different perspectives and to discuss cases with other experts in the field."

"I enjoy discussing complex cases and find out others opinions on report content."

"Process is very educational and I consider participating as an assessor to be important for my own CPD, professional practice and to be of benefit for my department."

"I found it incredibly insightful to see other laboratories reporting strategies and learnt a lot from the more experienced assessors."

"The discussions we have at each meeting are very informative, and an opportunity to make sure everyone is up to speed with the latest guidelines."

"I like being involved in QA and educating people. Moreover, I find it important that EQA's are a reflection of the actual (scientific) situation in the field."

"Interesting to see reports from across the world and benchmark your own lab's work. EQA massively improves the quality of genomic testing lab reports for patients so that is very rewarding for me."

"It's a great way to learn and to think about your own reports and areas where they could be improved. "