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Variant nomenclature modules

These modules provide an online competency assessment for Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature and International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature (ISCN). 


Who can participate? 

Individuals who use HGVS and ISCN to describe genomic variants. Test your knowledge of HGVS and/or ISCN. There are currently available scenarios for:

The next ISCN scenario will be Constitutional FISH (basic level), Constitutional Microarrays, Neoplasia FISH and Neoplasia Microarrays. These scenarios follow the 2024 ISCN guidelines.


More scenarios will be introduced in the future, also covering advanced and complex levels. Future ISCN scenarios will include:

Once scenarios are released, all the relevant updates will be included on our newsletter and on this page.


What is involved?

Participants can participate in the HGVS and/or the ISCN modules.  For each assessment, participants receive cases of variant descriptions, or images, to determine the correct nomenclature.  Participants can choose to complete some or all of the cases.   


Information for participants: 


On completion of each assessment: 

All participants will receive:


How do I enrol in the trial version? 



Available globally

Participant tailored assessment

Access your EQA record any time through the GenQA website





Upcoming scenario for ISCN:

Constitutional FISH Basic







Thanks for sharing this module with me. I have successfully completed this module and it was really helpful in freshening my knowledge. Looking forward to seeing more of these learning materials.

Namid Kamal, PhD, Pre-reg Clinical Scientist

Laboratory for Molecular Haemato-Oncology, King's College Hospital, London

Other modules include (see module-specific webpages):