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Genomic Online Individual Education               

Introducing GENie – the specialist genomic education and assessment tool brought to you by GenQA, the only end to end External Quality Assessment  provider for genomics.



Online individual education tool for genomics

Showcase your genomic knowledge and commitment to continued professional development with GENie - the individual learning and assessment tool from GenQA. Offering a comprehensive suite of training modules tailored to a wide range of specialties and skills, this online training platform gives you the chance to showcase your expertise and illustrate your commitment to continued professional development.


GENie builds on GenQA's extensive expertise in providing individual competency assessments already used by over 50,000 participants worldwide.  Individual competency support to laboratory professionals has been offered by GenQA since 2016; originally as GTACT (Genomics Training and Competency Tool).  The launch of GENie signals a rebranding for the original GTACT platform and builds upon an established, well regarded educational heritage.


Available modules: 


Genomic laboratory videos

Includes a suite of genomic videos to support training and aid evidencing competency within the genomic community.


Tissue assessment

Assessment of tumour and cellularity content of H&E stained formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue and fresh frozen (FF) tissue samples requiring molecular testing. 


Variant classification (BRCA and other HRR genes)

Online competency assessment for the classification of BRCA and HRR (Homologous Recominbination Repair) gene variants.  


Variant nomenclature (HGVS and ISCN) 

Online competency assessment for Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature and International System for human Cytogenomic Nomenclature (ISCN).   All current and upcoming ISCN scenarios are based on the new 2024 ISCN guidelines. For the first time, we introduce three difficulty levels. All scenarios will cover Basic, Advanced and Complex levels. 


Variant classification (germline)

Online competency assessment for the classification of germline Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) and Copy Number Variants (CNV).


How to purchase:

Both the SNV and CNV modules can be accessed with a single user licence.




Access any time through the GenQA website

Available globally all year

Scenarios randomly generated

Participate multiple times

Automated assessment

Complete at your own pace

Training/performance review for managers



Register now for the free HGVS Basic, ISCN Constitutional Basic, and ISCN Neoplasia Karyotyping scenarios. Available until 30th May 2025.


This is for individual users to purchase via PayPal only. 


To purchase quota for a laboratory, please login to your GenQA account.  

"It is becoming increasingly important to proof one’s professional competency, as a genetic laboratory, as a team, but also at the individual level. We trust that GenQA’s new education and assessment tool will fulfil our needs and help us to realize individual, objective proficiency testing in genomics whenever needed."

Nicole de Leeuw, PhD, ErCLG
Clinical Laboratory Geneticist, Radboud university medical center, The Netherlands