Gen QA


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Fees & Invoicing

How much do your EQAs cost?

GenQA is a not-for-profit, self-funding organisation and strives to keep EQA fees as low as possible. EQA fees are reviewed every year and discounts for a number of EQAs packages are available.  There will be a small uplift in the fees for GenQA EQAs in 2024 to cover increasing global costs. 


GenQA offers discount packages each year, to ensure continuing affordability of its EQAs. To take advantage of these discount packages please enrol in your EQAs before 31st January.  For a list of current EQA fees and discount packages please see  If your laboratory is part of an Evolving Economy, then you may be eligible for a 30% discount for the EQA fees (please email for further details).


Participants will be charged for all EQAs in which they are enrolled, regardless of whether they submit results for the EQA or not. Refunds are only payable in exceptional circumstances. For more details, please see our EQA Withdrawal Policy

Is there a discount I can apply for to help with the EQA cost?

GenQA offers a 30% discount for laboratories from Evolving Economies. To find out if your laboratory qualifies and details on how to apply, please see the GenQA Evolving Economies Discount Policy.  In addition, GenQA offers a number of discounted EQA packages.  To take advantage of our discount packages please ensure you enrol for our EQAs promptly.  Further details can be found at

Does the EQA cost include a delivery charge?

Yes, delivery charges are included in the cost of the EQA.

  • England: For NHS England funded Genomic Medicine Service laboratories, any EQA relating to a test included in the National Genomic Testing Directory will be paid for directly by NHS England. The laboratory will not be invoiced.
  • Scotland: For NHS National Services Division, any GenQA EQA will be paid for by NHS National Services Scotland. The laboratory will not be invoiced.
  • Switzerland: All invoices for Swiss laboratories will be raised through Centre Suisse de Contrôle de Qualité (CSCQ). The laboratory will not be invoiced through GenQA
  • Other: All other laboratories are invoiced by either Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust or NHS Lothian in late Spring/early Summer.

Participants wishing to have Purchase Order (PO) numbers quoted on the invoice can either add the PO number when enrolling in EQAs or send it to  All invoices are sent by email to the Billing Payer given in the laboratory details. If no Bill Payer is specified then the Primary Contact will receive the invoice. It is important that the contact details for the Primary Contact, and the billing Contact if applicable, are correct at all times.


All invoices are raised by either NHS Lothian, Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust or GenQA Ltd in Pound Sterling and include payment instructions and bank details. Terms of Payment are 30 days from date of invoice. GenQA reserves the right to withhold EQA participation from non-paying laboratories.