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Genomic EQA Directory

GenQA offer >120 genomics EQA covering thirteen different disciplines, encompassing the sample and patient journey. 

Free GenQA membership is required to purchase EQAs and enrol in individual competency assessments.

2025 EQA updates including 'early bird' EQA discounts.


2025 EQA price list (1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026)


GenQA LIVE calendar (includes EQA dates and other GenQA events)

Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counselling


GenQA is the sole genomics EQA provider offering these unique EQAs for Clinical Geneticists and Genetic Counsellors. These EQAs are online, multi-stage clinical case scenarios following the patient pathway and reflecting real-world clinical cases. We have over 10 years experience in providing Clinical Genetics EQAs expanding our repertoire to cover more clinical conditions. Participants are expected to select relevant genetic testing based on the clinical presentation and family history, to interpret test results and provide a clinical diagnosis.


The Genetic Counselling EQA has more emphasis on the provision of relevant genetic counselling, and the Genomic Multidisciplinary team (MDT) working EQA is aimed at all healthcare workers involved in discussing clinical information and genomic test results to provide a final laboratory report.


These EQAs are supported by an expert panel of international clinicians working within professional guidelines.


Summary information:

Multi-stage case scenarios following the the patient pathway from first consultation and request of appropriate genetic test(s) based on family history and clinical examination, through interpretation of test results, and finally to diagnosis and counselling of the patient.

  • Based on real clinical cases, assessing appropriate genomic testing requested based on clinical presentation and family history, interpretation of test results and relevant genetic counselling.
  • 6-12 weeks to submit results.
  • Submitted results are assessed by an expert panel of Clinical Geneticists/Genetic counsellors against recommended guidelines.
  • Each participant receives an Individual Centre Report (ICR) and EQA summary report to allow benchmarking against centres worldwide.  


Clinical Genetics - cardiovascular disorders (CGC) Newly Accredited
Clinical diagnosis and genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Clinical Genetics - dysmorphology (CGD) Newly Accredited
Clinical diagnosis and genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Clinical Genetics - inherited metabolic disorders (pilot) (CGU)
Clinical diagnosis and genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages. This EQA was postponed in 2024; please contact GenQA for further information
Clinical Genetics - monogenic disorders (CGM) Newly Accredited
Clinical diagnosis and genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Clinical Genetics - oncogenetics (CGO) Newly Accredited
Clinical diagnosis and genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Genetic Counselling - oncogenetics (pilot) (CGGO)
Genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Updated: For 2025, the Genetic counselling EQA has been split into two EQAs (for oncogenetics and rare disease).
Genetic Counselling - rare and inherited disorders (pilot) (CGGR)
Genetic counselling based on family history and test results: online educational case scenario with multiple stages.
Updated: For 2025, the Genetic counselling EQA has been split into two EQAs (for oncogenetics and rare disease).