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Genomic EQA Directory

GenQA offer >120 genomics EQA covering thirteen different disciplines, encompassing the sample and patient journey. 

Free GenQA membership is required to purchase EQAs and enrol in individual competency assessments.

2025 EQA updates including 'early bird' EQA discounts.


2025 EQA price list (1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026)


GenQA LIVE calendar (includes EQA dates and other GenQA events)

Haematological Neoplasms


GenQA has extensive experience in providing haematological neoplasm EQAs for the past 20 years.  These EQAs cover the common chronic and acute disorders including ALL, AML, CML, CLL, MDS, MPD, myeloma and lymphoma. To meet the needs of our participants, a range of sample types (online images, fixed cells, FFPE slides and DNA) and techniques (karyotyping, FISH, array/NGS and DNA mutation status) are included.  In addition, participants can expect a broad range of referral types and abnormailties to analyse and report reflecting routine clinical practice.


We work closely with our colleagues in UK NEQAS Leucocyte Immunophenotyping (UK NEQAS LI) to deliver EQAs where the expert knowledge from both GenQA and UK NEQAS LI is beneficial to the delivery of the assessments.


Summary Information:

Assess the quality of testing and reporting of a broad range of haematological neoplasms, using various sample types and/or online case scenarios.

  • EQAs delivered in accordance with the international standard ISO 17043 for proficiency testing providers.
  • Based on real clinical cases, using validated samples.
  • Various sample types provided and any suitable techniques used.
  • 6 weeks to submit the results.
  • Submitted laboratory reports are assessed, by an expert scientific panel, using international guidelines/recommendations.
  • Each participant receives an Individual Laboratory report (ILR) and EQA summary report detailing general findings, a summary of methodologies used, common errors and benchmarking against other laboratories worldwide.


Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) (HALL)
Analysis and interpretation of recurrent and non-recurrent abnormalities associated with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: online G-banded analysis with supplementary tests as applicable and/or DNA for whole genome copy number changes and structural rearrangements.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) (HCLLC)
Analysis and interpretation of recurrent and non-recurrent abnormalities associated with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: online G-banded analysis with supplementary tests as applicable and/or fixed cell suspensions for interphase FISH studies and/or DNA for whole genome copy number changes and structural rearrangements.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) IGHV mutation status (HCLLI)
Analysis for IGHV mutation status in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia samples: DNA and lyophilised cells.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) TP53 mutation analysis (HCLLT)
Analysis for TP53 mutation status in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia DNA samples.
Haematological Technical FISH (HTF)
Analysis for detection of recurrent translocations and copy number changes in leukaemia: fixed cell suspensions for interphase FISH studies.
Lymphoma (HLYM)
Analysis and interpretation of recurrent and non-recurrent abnormalities associated with lymphoma: online G-banded analysis with supplementary tests as applicable and/or FFPE slides and/or fixed cell suspensions for interphase FISH studies.
Lymphoma Technical NGS (pilot) (HLYT)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis for detection of clinically relevant structural changes, copy number changes and single nucleotide variants associated with Lymphoma. The lymphoma samples provided will be either diagnostic primary samples, or infiltrated staging samples (where primary samples are not available).
Myeloid disorders (HMD)
Analysis and interpretation of recurrent and non-recurrent abnormalities associated with myeloid disorders: online G-banded analysis with supplementary tests as applicable and/or DNA for whole genome copy number changes and structural rearrangements in MDS. 
Myeloma (HMM)
Analysis and interpretation of recurrent abnormalities associated with myeloma: online interphase FISH analysis with supplementary tests as applicable, and/or fixed cell suspensions for interphase FISH, or DNA for array or NGS studies.