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Genomic EQA Directory

GenQA offer >120 genomics EQA covering thirteen different disciplines, encompassing the sample and patient journey. 

Free GenQA membership is required to purchase EQAs and enrol in individual competency assessments.

2025 EQA updates including 'early bird' EQA discounts.


2025 EQA price list (1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026)


GenQA LIVE calendar (includes EQA dates and other GenQA events)

Molecular Newborn Screening


GenQA has offered molecular newborn screening EQAs since 2008, gaining substantial experience in providing validated EQA blood spot samples for molecular testing.   The molecular newborn screening EQAs cover either primary testing e.g. SCID (TREC) and SMA or follow-up/second tier testing (subsequent to biochemical analysis) e.g. CF and MCADD. 


These EQAs are designed for laboratories providing molecular testing using blood spotted onto newborn blood spot cards, using any standard laboratory protocol.  The samples provided are kindly donated by patients and their families to GenQA for this purpose.  This enables GenQA to provide clinical cases and samples which closely mimic those received during the newborn screening process.


For laboratories performing in depth analysis of DNA samples and interpretation for these disorders, a full suite of assessments is offered by our Genomic and Inherited disorders EQAs.


Summary information:

Assess the quality of your molecular testing using blood spotted onto neonatal screening cards.

  • EQAs delivered in accordance with the international standard ISO 17043 for proficiency testing providers.
  • Cases based on real clinical scenarios, using validated blood samples sourced from patients and their families.
  • Any standard laboratory analysis methods.
  • Up to four distributions per annum.
  • 4 weeks to test samples and submit results.
  • Submitted results are assessed by an expert scientific panel.
  • Each participant receives an Individual Laboratory Report (ILR) and EQA summary report detailing benchmarking against other worldwide laboratories. 


Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Molecular Newborn screening (bloodspots) (NBSC1)
Molecular testing of newborn screening cards for CFTR variants to determine their heterozygous/homozyous state.
MCADD Molecular Newborn Screening (bloodspots) (NBSM1)
Molecular testing of newborn screening cards for ACADM variants, including c.985A>G p.(Lys329Glu), and determine their heterozygous/homozyous state.
SCID Molecular Newborn Screening (bloodspots) (NBST1) Newly Accredited
Molecular testing of newborn screening cards for TREC levels associated with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Molecular Newborn screening (bloodspots) (NBSS1)
Molecular testing of newborn screening cards for SMN1 deletions.