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Genomic EQA Directory

GenQA offer >120 genomics EQA covering thirteen different disciplines, encompassing the sample and patient journey. 

Free GenQA membership is required to purchase EQAs and enrol in individual competency assessments.

2025 EQA updates including 'early bird' EQA discounts.


2025 EQA price list (1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026)


GenQA LIVE calendar (includes EQA dates and other GenQA events)

Sample Handling


As part of GenQA's commitment to providing EQAs covering the entire genomic testing process, we recognise the importance of high quality DNA of sufficient quantity being critical for laboratories to complete their genomic testing.


The Sample Handling EQAs deliver the assessment of the accuracy of DNA quantification and analysis of the quality and quantity of extracted from blood, FFPE tissue, saliva and fresh tissue.  To support laboratories in testing these processes, GenQA provides patient and donor samples to closely mimic those received by genomics laboratories.


Summary Information:

Assess the quality and quantity of your DNA extraction methods for different sample types and quantification processes. 

  • EQAs delivered in accordance with the international standard ISO 17043 for proficiency testing providers.
  • Any method can be used
  • 3 weeks to submit results
  • Each participating laboratory receives an Individual Laboratory Report (ILR) and EQA summary report general findings, a summary of methodologies used and benchmarking against other laboratories worldwide.


cfDNA extraction from plasma - somatic (pilot) (DNAC)
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from plasma samples.
DNA extraction from blood for long read sequencing (LRS) (pilot) (DNAL)
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from blood samples for long read sequencing
DNA extraction from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue (DNAP)
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from FFPE tissue.
DNA extraction from fresh tissue (DNAF) Newly Accredited
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from fresh tissue samples
DNA extraction from saliva (DNAS)
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from saliva samples
DNA extraction from venous blood (DNAB)
Assessment of DNA quality and quantity from blood samples.
DNA quantification (DNAQ) Newly Accredited
Measurement of DNA concentration