GenQA offer >120 genomics EQA covering thirteen different disciplines, encompassing the sample and patient journey.
Free GenQA membership is required to purchase EQAs and enrol in individual competency assessments.
2025 EQA updates including 'early bird' EQA discounts.
2025 EQA price list (1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026)
GenQA LIVE calendar (includes EQA dates and other GenQA events)
Introducing GENie – the specialist genomic education and assessment tool for individual competency.
Technical (NGS and OGM)
In response to participant demand, GenQA offers several EQAs to assess the standard of testing by specific technologies, i.e. NGS and OGM.
The NGS EQAs are available for both germline (SNVs/small indels and CNVs) and somatic testing (small variants only). They are designed to allow participation using any NGS platform or technology and assess the quality of routine sequencing tests from a single gene to a panel, exome or whole genome. Results are submitted as routine file formats (VCF, BED, FASTQ, BAM) and participants can submit up to three different data sets per EQA.
The GenQA Optical Genome mapping pilot EQA will provide assessment of the testing of haematological malignancies and will be developed further to include other clinical referrals.. This EQAs is designed to test the ability of laboratories to describe and/or classify copy number and structural variants.
These EQAs are supported by our suite of sample/online EQAs covering analysis and interpretation of variants for specific disorders and conditions.
Summary Information:
EQAs delivered in accordance with the international standard ISO 17043 for proficiency testing providers.
Next Generation Sequencing: Assess the quality of your NGS sequencing using any platform or technology, in germline and somatic samples.
Optical Genome Mapping: Assess the accuracy of your OGM bioinformatic algorithms and pipelines for structural and copy number aberrations in both haematological neoplasms and rare diseases.